L. Liu

我因为后背一侧有麻木感,准备开始做普拉提训练,在Google上找到了Cheryl D Pilates。Cheryl非常认真和专业,针对我后背的问题,她做了详细的了解, 而且每节课都进行记录,对细节问题也非常认真,比如我的身体向右偏了一点点, 她也会认真的帮我调整过来。 大概10节课后,我后背的问题得到明显改善。

I was about to start Pilates training because of the numbness on one side of my back. I found Cheryl D Pilates on google. Cheryl; is very serious and professional. She has a detailed understanding of my back problems, and every session Classes are recorded, and she is very serious about details. For example, if my body is a little bit to the right, she will help me to adjust it carefully. After About 10 classes, my back problems improved significantly.